
Analyzing The Hunt For Trips Wide | WhitetailDNA Vlog

By Alex Comstock

A couple years back, my good friend Tyler was able to harvest our top target buck - "Trips Wide." It was our first year hunting out in North Dakota, and we got quite lucky being able to take down this giant whitetail. 

I got to thinking about the hunt, and wanted to give you a look into how we were able to make it happen, and hopefully inspire a few ideas for you to explore with your own hunting situation. With that, I hope you enjoy, and maybe even find this useful!

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Vlog | Introduction

Vlog | Introduction

I am very excited to launch my new Vlog series. I have always wanted to produce some type of video content, and I think for now this structure will fit me well. Most vlogs are going to be short and to the point. During the off-season they will usually be following what I am doing on a certain day. Then during the season I will be bringing my hunts and my success and failure in the woods. So follow along, and hopefully you will be able to learn something every once in a while!