Think You're Pumped For Deer Season? Season Two of Chasing November May Put You Over The Edge

By Alex Comstock 

Just as I thought I was getting to a relatively stable mindset for this upcoming deer season, I got a YouTube notification. Season two of Midwest Whitetail's Chasing November had been uploaded. You can probably guess how I'll spend the majority of my next few nights. 24 episodes of pure gold is going to be watched, and then I'll officially be losing my mind, counting down the hours until I'll be back in a treestand. 

Chasing November is by far one of my favorite online web-shows. The production level is second to none, the quality is as good as it gets, and you also have the opportunity to learn a lot about all things to do with deer hunting. So with that, be sure to tune in to the new season of Chasing November, but be careful, you may not stop until you've watched the whole season!

Below I've included the first episode of the season. To watch the rest of the season, check out Midwest Whitetail's YouTube channel here, or visit