Archery Tips for Beginners

Archery Tips for Beginners

By Kaleb Comstock

Archery can be one of the most rewarding and frustrating things to get into. I have been shooting a bow for as long as I can remember and even shot my first turkey with a bow at the age of 8 years old. I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t shoot a bow. In this blog, I am going to dig into three tips to help beginner archers. These things will only help you out as you progress in your archery life.

2023 Whitetail Calendar - The Best Steps for Success

2023 Whitetail Calendar - The Best Steps for Success

By Alex Comstock

It’s crazy to me to think that in my neck of the woods, whitetail season has already been over for a month and a half. As I sit here in the middle of February, my mind is already racing and coming up with plans to make the 2023 whitetail season one of my best. The 2022 deer season was in large part one of my worst seasons ever and if you want to read more in depth on my 2022 reflection, you can HERE.

In this blog, I’m going to focus on this upcoming year and go over a month by month synopsis on what I’ll be doing to hopefully have more success than ever in 2023 and hopefully you’ll be able to glean some information from it that can help you as well.

3 Lessons Learned From Killing 4 Mature Bucks on The Same Small Property

3 Lessons Learned From Killing 4 Mature Bucks on The Same Small Property

By Kaleb Comstock

When it comes to killing big, mature, bucks, we need 150 plus acres of prime ground surrounded with unbelievable food and bedding, right? While that’s certainly my dream property, that’s definitely not the kind of property I have permission to hunt. Instead, I have access to less than 80 acres of nasty, thick river bottom that many people wouldn’t think would hold a big buck. That couldn’t be more false. I am going to dive into three things that I have learned from hunting this small property that has led me to kill four mature bucks in five seasons.

E-Scouting for Big Bucks

E-Scouting for Big Bucks

By Kaleb Comstock

One of the most important things that I have learned as a hunter is how to internet scout. What I mean by internet scouting is I have learned how to read maps, topography, and food sources. Being a teacher, I need to maximize the number of opportunities I get to hunt which is why I rely so heavily on OnX Maps and internet scouting. OnX Maps is a piece of technology I utilize religiously, all year long no matter what I am hunting.

Late Summer Deer Prep

Late Summer Deer Prep

By Kaleb Comstock

As the calendar flips over to a new month, that means one thing, we are down to the final month before the season begins. In that final month, there is still a ton of deer work to be done. Trail cameras, treestand work, glassing and shooting my bow is what the next month has in store for me as we inch closer and closer to September 1st - opening day in Nebraska.

How To Prepare a New Hunting Property in The Summer

How To Prepare a New Hunting Property in The Summer

By Kaleb Comstock

As we turn the calendar to July, that means one thing. We are one month closer to opening day. In Nebraska, archery season opens up on September 1st. Time is ticking on finishing up our summer prep work to get prepared for the season. This year has us excited as we are tackling another new piece of property. A property we have high expectations for, the property we call “Plan B”. I picked up permission on Plan B in December of 2021.

How Turkey Hunting Can Benefit You as a Deer Hunter

How Turkey Hunting Can Benefit You as a Deer Hunter

By Kaleb Comstock

When I first got into hunting as a little boy, turkey hunting is where my roots laid. I can remember being a little boy going turkey hunting with my dad and following his every move, not really knowing what I was doing, I was just happy to be there. I will always remember the first bird I ever shot with my bow at the age of 8 years old. I remember that very first bird I called in all on my own. Turkey hunting has provided me with countless memories that will last a lifetime. As I have gotten older, my passion for turkey hunting has only grown. Throughout the years as I’ve gotten older, I have learned how to use what I learned from turkey hunting and put that towards becoming a better deer hunter. To me, watching a big tom coming straight down the pipe, full strut, spitting and drumming is equivalent to that 150” buck reading the script and walking straight down the trail.