Spring Guide for Whitetail Hunters

Spring Guide for Whitetail Hunters

By Alex Comstock

Today is March 2nd and we’ve had multiple days in a row above thirty degrees here in northern Minnesota. Snow is starting to melt (finally) and I’ve got spring on my mind. Though optimistic, I’m sure the March snowstorm that seems to always strike will eventually show up. But for now, I’m going to let spring fever start taking over and with that, I want to cover some things that will be on my mind for the next few months as it pertains to whitetails. There are always things you can be doing to help your chances of success in the fall, and right now is no different.

Shed Hunting Advice with Brennen Nading

Shed Hunting Advice with Brennen Nading

By Alex Comstock

We’re on the brink of the best time of year to be out in the woods searching for shed antlers and I’m pretty excited about it. I got out for my first two walks of the year in the past week and even scooped up my first antler. When thinking about shed hunting, I wanted to bring you a Q&A with my good buddy and shed hunting master, Brennen Nading of The Breaking Point. Brennen finds a ton of antlers every year and has a plethora of experience shed hunting. So with that, enjoy our Q&A, and hopefully you pick up a few tips from Brennen!

3 Reasons To Hunt Mid-Day During The Rut

3 Reasons To Hunt Mid-Day During The Rut

By Alex Comstock

If you want to be successful hunting the rut, it can sometimes mean spending a lot of time in a tree, to the extent of sitting all day. I’m currently getting ready to head to North Dakota for two weeks of rut hunting, and can assure you, I’ll be spending as many of those days as possible in a tree dark to dark. It can get to be to the point of questioning your sanity, but sitting all day during the rut can surely pay off. Here’s why.

Hunting The Rut - It's About To Get Wild

Hunting The Rut - It's About To Get Wild

By Alex Comstock

As the sun rises and emerges over the horizon, a chill runs down your spine. Not because of the frigid and frosty morning that awakens around you, but because of the “feel” of being in a treestand during the month of November. No matter what, the rut is what excites deer hunters collectively. It’s the one time of year that you can feel as though at any moment, ANYTHING can happen, whether you know of any big bucks in the area or not.

The Importance of Quality Optics for Whitetail Hunting with Erik Barber

The Importance of Quality Optics for Whitetail Hunting with Erik Barber

By Alex Comstock

When it comes to whitetail hunting, no matter what kind of area you are hunting, optics are very important. Whether you’re hunting wide open areas or even thick timbered woods, having a good pair of optics can be very important. Today, we’re going to talk with Erik Barber of Vortex Optics about quality optics and why they can help you when it comes to deer hunting.

The Hunting Beast Q&A Series: Louis Butkovich

The Hunting Beast Q&A Series: Louis Butkovich

By Scott Spitzley

Next, we have "Uncle Lou". Louis resides in Southeast Michigan with his wife and daughter. He owns the familiar company within the Beast called "Stealth Outdoors", using material designed for the mobile hunter eliminating Treestand and Stick noise. Uncle Lou is by far the most passionate hunter I have met on the Beast. He was also one of the first to welcome me to the forum when I joined a few years ago as well. I can't thank him enough for the amount of motivation he gives others on the forum and myself. Enjoy his story, I know a lot of members were looking forward to reading this one.

The Hunting Beast Q&A Series: Ben Bruno

The Hunting Beast Q&A Series: Ben Bruno

By Scott Spitzley

Next, we have Ben Bruno, AKA “Mainebowhunter” on the Hunting Beast site from Maine. As you read this interview, you will quickly learn from reading his first answer that he is very humble and full of faith. He is respected by many on the forum because of how much effort and passion he puts into chasing whitetails, which leads to being able to put mature bucks down consistently on both private and public lands across multiple states. His success in the whitetail woods is most definitely earned. Enjoy.

The Hunting Beast Q&A Series: David Toms

The Hunting Beast Q&A Series: David Toms

By Scott Spitzley

Today, we have David Toms, AKA "DaveT1963", saddle hunter from Texas. Dave is well known on the Beast to get it done on public lands across multiple states consistently and isn't afraid to get it done with his Traditional Bow still. David's first nomination vote was also in part by the "Big Buck Serial Killer" himself, indicating that you may want to grab a bucket of popcorn and get that mouse scroller button ready because this folks, is going to be a good read.

The Hunting Beast Q&A Series: Justin Wright

The Hunting Beast Q&A Series: Justin Wright

By Alex Comstock

Recently, WhitetailDNA contributor Scott Spitzley came to me with the idea to interview a number of hunters from the popular website known as The Hunting Beast Forum. Many of you I’m sure are familiar with the site and its founder, Dan Infalt. The Hunting Beast is arguably the best hunting forum on the internet, and many top notch deer hunters across the nation are on it, and contribute to threads regularly. A lot of these hunters though aren’t “known” across the industry, though that doesn’t mean they’re not just as good or even better hunters than other industry known hunters that you often see get interviewed.

4 Things To Consider When Trying to Improve Your Bow Accuracy

4 Things To Consider When Trying to Improve Your Bow Accuracy

By Scott Spitzley

It’s officially summer and most hunters are starting to dust off their bows after a long dreaded off-season and shoot a few arrows a week to help get them prepared once archery season arrives. But, by just shooting a few arrows a week, are you doing all you can to be as accurate as possible with your bow?