How To Train Your Eyes To Find Shed Antlers

How To Train Your Eyes To Find Shed Antlers

By Alex Comstock 

The moment I started understanding what to look for when shed hunting is when I actually started finding them in my life. When I was younger, I seemingly never found antlers, and even when I would shed hunt with friends, it always seemed like I was the only one to never find anything. Among other things, my biggest problem was that I didn't know how to look for sheds. More specifically, my eyes weren't trained to find them. It took me awhile, but after training my eyes to find antlers, I then started picking more up, and have only gotten better since then. 

3 Places Others Aren't Looking To Find Sheds

3 Places Others Aren't Looking To Find Sheds

By Alex Comstock 

This winter has been quite the tough one for me. I was just getting ready to start hitting shed hunting hard this past month, but we have been getting absolutely dumped on with snow. Last year at this time I was living in North Dakota and enjoying my best shed season of my life. As of right now, I've only been out a couple of times and have only scooped up one antler. As I started thinking about where I've found some of my sheds over the years, I started to realize I sometimes like to look in places that are sometimes overlooked or tough to get to. Here are a few places that might not be getting searched by shed hunters in your area that could be worth checking out. 

3 Things To Love About Scouting for Whitetails

3 Things To Love About Scouting for Whitetails

By Alex Comstock 

As I sit here and type this, I keep glancing out of my bedroom window. I can hardly see anything at all because of how much snow we've got right now. Northern Minnesota can present its challenges when it comes to spring scouting, simply because our spring is so short. So while I'm dreaming about scouting, here's a few things to love about it while you're out collecting information for next deer season. 

5 Questions To Ask Yourself To Start Planning Your 2018 Season

5 Questions To Ask Yourself To Start Planning Your 2018 Season

By Alex Comstock 

January can be an interesting month in the deer hunting world. In between some states having the end of their season still running, some people wanting to decompress from deer season, the start of winter scouting, and even some shed hunting, there's a lot of different dynamics going on. But one thing that you can do is start planning your 2018 season. 

How To Hunt in Extreme Cold Weather Conditions

How To Hunt in Extreme Cold Weather Conditions

By Alex Comstock 

Hunting in the cold can mean different things to different people, depending on where you hunt, and what you're used to. For me, I wouldn't categorize extreme cold as anything above zero degrees. But once it's gets around zero, and below zero, I don't care who you are, that's cold. I've experienced many good hunts in the extreme cold, and knowing how to hunt in that weather can ultimately decide if you'll ever do it more than once. Here's a few things that have helped me hunt in extreme cold. 

3 Ways To Avoid Burnout At The End of The Season

3 Ways To Avoid Burnout At The End of The Season

By Alex Comstock 

If you're a hardcore bowhunter, the end of the season can sometimes produce a bit of a "burnout." Depending on how your season has played out to this point, the level of burnout can vary. If your season has been anything like mine, where nothing has seemed to go right, you may be more susceptible to be feeling worn out. Lately, I've been feeling a little burnt out, and haven't been hunting much at all. It's definitely time for that to change. There's still time to fill your tag, and if you're feeling a bit burnt out like I am, here are a few ways to snap out of it, or avoid the feeling completely. 

5 Reasons You Should Still Be Hunting

5 Reasons You Should Still Be Hunting

By Alex Comstock

If you've been hunting hard all year, it could be easy to be mentally drained and "hunted out". For some, it could even be to the extent where you hardly hunt at the end of the year, even if you haven't filled your tag. So much effort goes into hunting the rut, by the time late season arrives, you might just want to call it quits for the year. But if you've still got a tag to fill, I urge you to keep at it. Late season hunting can be tough, I agree with that, but it can also produce some fantastic hunting. Here's why you should be staying after it. 

Late Season Hunting - 3 Things Not to Forget About

Late Season Hunting - 3 Things Not to Forget About

By Alex Comstock 

Only a couple precious November days are left before December rolls in. The month of December always signals the start of a new season for me. That's the late season. There's a lot that changes during late season hunting, but if you do it right, it can be some of the best hunting of the year. For me personally, I've shot three out of my last five bucks during the month of December, so maybe I've just got a slight affinity for it. Regardless, here are three things that I think are easy to forget about, and if you do, they can hinder your chances of sending an arrow through a late season buck. 

3 Under The Radar Tactics To Harvest a Mature Buck During The Back Half of November

3 Under The Radar Tactics To Harvest a Mature Buck During The Back Half of November

By Alex Comstock 

November is already half way over. Pretty crazy huh? It seems that all year, we dream about this month, and then in a flash, it's already almost over. Don't let that get your hopes down though if you haven't shot a buck yet. The back half of November doesn't get as much publicity or love as the front half, but there are definitely bucks to be killed, and the rut is by no means over. What you might have to do though is switch up your tactics. Here's three under the radar tactics that might just work for you in the next couple of weeks.