3 Creative Ways To Secure Hunting Permission on Private Property

3 Creative Ways To Secure Hunting Permission on Private Property

By Alex Comstock

As I sit here and ponder how I am going to get permission to hunt a few properties this summer, I started thinking about some of the ways that have been successful for me in the past, and if there was anything new I could do in the future to attempt to secure permission. The whole act of acquiring permission on private land is a funny thing to me. It can be an uncomfortable thing to do, yet the worst thing that can happen is for somebody to say no to you. As a landowner, it can be somewhat uncomfortable as well to have a person on your property that could potentially disrespect it. If you want to get permission to hunt someone's land, it may take a little creativity...

Tip Of The Week | Shoot Your Bow at Long Distances

Tip Of The Week | Shoot Your Bow at Long Distances

By Alex Comstock

The more proficient you are with your bow, the more confident you'll likely become during the moment of truth while drawn back on a mature whitetail. In today's tip of the week, I wanted to quickly touch on why I believe it's important you practice shooting at much further ranges than you would plan on shooting a deer.

Summer Preparation For Whitetails By The Month

Summer Preparation For Whitetails By The Month

By Alex Comstock 

If you asked me what my favorite part of deer hunting was, it might not be what you'd think. Believe it or not, preparation is my favorite part. The constant evolution, obsession, and planning that goes into each and every season is what I live for. Part of that time frame is everything that goes into my summer preparation. Summer is a very important time of the year for me, and there is always a lot that has to get done. Here is what my preparation looks like and what you may want to get done each month before deer season sneaks up on you. 

Tip Of The Week | Check Your Treestand Straps

Tip Of The Week | Check Your Treestand Straps

By Alex Comstock 

Starting today, I am going to start producing a weekly "tip of the week" blog post. It's a simple concept, but I think (and hope) it will bring value to you. They're going to be short blog posts that detail a specific tip that's relative to the time of the year. I hope that you find them useful, and with that, lets get into our first tip of the week!

How To Use Trail Cameras and Photo Management Software to Analyze Deer Data

How To Use Trail Cameras and Photo Management Software to Analyze Deer Data

By Alex Comstock

There is only so much you can learn about deer through the use of trail cameras without diving deep into the details of the information they provide. By analyzing pictures, and using photo management software, you can deeply increase your level of learning, and help set yourself up for future success

One Quick Way To Improve As a Deer Hunter This Summer

One Quick Way To Improve As a Deer Hunter This Summer

By Alex Comstock

This blog post is meant for one reason, and that's to get you to think, and then act upon that thought. So technically two reasons. Take a second, and think about yourself as a deer hunter at a high level. What have you been good at, and what have you consistently struggled with? Chew on that for a little while, and then think about this past season. What did you do better than in previous seasons? How did you get better? Was it because of continued learning, or did you make it a priority to get better at it? Finally, I challenge you to grab the nearest piece of paper and writing utensil, and write down one thing you want to get better at next season. After you do, think about what you can do over the summer months for that goal to materialize.

The Pros and Cons of Hunting a Specific Buck

The Pros and Cons of Hunting a Specific Buck

By Alex Comstock 

Bowhunting whitetails is quite the challenge in itself. When one decides to bowhunt mature bucks, that challenge is escalated to a much more difficult level. And then there are the ones that make the progression to hunting specific bucks. This is taking it to an entirely new level of hard. I've tried it, successfully and unsuccessfully, and let me tell you, the feat is not easy, nor will it ever be. There are benefits of hunting a specific buck, and then there are the ensuing disadvantages as well. How do you know if you're ready to start targeting a specific buck? Consider these few pros and cons that I've come up with in the experience I have doing so, and maybe they can help you consider what option is for you.

3 Reasons You Should Be Hanging Treestands During Spring

3 Reasons You Should Be Hanging Treestands During Spring

By Alex Comstock 

Every year I seem to make the same claim, but am never able to follow through with tangible action. Spring usually comes with the aspirations of getting stands hung and ready for the fall, but I seem to always make excuses to not get it done, and find myself wishing I had on a hot buggy, summer day. It can be debated whether or not it is beneficial to hang to stands in the spring, instead of the summer or early fall. But in the right situation, hanging stands right now can pay big dividends come deer season.