It's Time to Dig Deeper, Always Ask Yourself Why

It's Time to Dig Deeper, Always Ask Yourself Why

Rarely does anything ever happen in a whitetails day that is random. Have you ever thought about that? There is a reason behind every movement. This is even more true when talking about a mature whitetail buck. Everything they do in a day is highly calculated. Every step is taken with caution, and every bed used is done so with precision. Even when some things might seem random during the craziness of the rut, there is still a reason behind what they do. After every hunt, analyze what you saw, and ask why that happened. If you can do this, and put more pieces of the puzzle together, and act on it, you might just be putting yourself in a better position in the future. 

Getting Inside The Mind of Dan Infalt, The Big Buck Serial Killer

Getting Inside The Mind of Dan Infalt, The Big Buck Serial Killer

By Alex Comstock 

Dan Infalt is known for being a big buck serial killer. But do you know what goes through his head on a day to day basis when hunting whitetails? In this awesome video Dan recently published on his Youtube Channel - The Hunting Beast, he gives a detailed outlook during a three week hunt for a big buck.

Post Season Lull, What to Do Now?

Post Season Lull, What to Do Now?

By Alex Comstock

With a majority of the states throughout the Midwest wrapping up with deer season, this next month or so of the year is often considered the dead period when it comes to whitetails. There's a bit of a break between during the middle of winter, with most folks eagerly waiting for snow to melt, and to get back outside shed hunting, scouting, shooting bows, etc. What can you do during this time frame to ultimately help your future success? Don't worry, there's plenty!

The Importance of Goal Setting

The Importance of Goal Setting

By Alex Comstock 

Goal setting is a simple way to take your hunting game to the next level. If you aren't consistently setting goals for yourself, now is the time to start. By setting goals throughout the year, it can make a substantial difference in how your deer season plays out. How is it though that goals truly make a difference? That's what my goal (see what I did there?) is to accomplish in the next few paragraphs. 

3 Things You Can Do To Make Next Year Your Best Season Ever

3 Things You Can Do To Make Next Year Your Best Season Ever

By Alex Comstock

2017 is officially here. With it brings new opportunities, new challenges, and inevitably the ups and downs that come with deer hunting. There will be some things that happen that are simply out of our control, and there are things that we are completely in control of. If you want to make next year your best season yet, it starts right now.  If you think you just had a great year, it can still get better. There is always room for improvement, and in order to make that improvement, it's going to take commitment, hard work, and maybe even a little luck. Here is how I starting to plan to make next year my best season ever, and how you can too. 

Everything I learned During my First Season Filming my Hunts

Everything I learned During my First Season Filming my Hunts

My first full whitetail season filming my hunts is officially in the books. There is a steep learning curve when it comes to filming your hunts, and put simply, it's not as easy as it looks. I came into the 2016 season fully aware that it was going to be a challenge to film my hunts. I knew what my goals were, and I set forth with those goals in mind (will go in depth later). 

Quick Read | Grind It Out Until The End

Quick Read | Grind It Out Until The End

Today is December 24th. For most of us, we've been out hunting whitetails for the past 3-4 months. For those of you that have not filled a tag you've wanted to fill, by now with not much season left, it can be easy to throw in the towel, and call it a season. But I urge you not to. Every year, more and more guys that I know talk about how they are "hunted out" and they don't hunt up to the end of the season, yet complain after the season about how they weren't able to get that buck they wanted. I feel strongly about grinding it out until the end of the season, and here's why. 

5 Tricks To Stay Warm During Late Season Hunting

5 Tricks To Stay Warm During Late Season Hunting

When it comes to late season hunting, there is usually one common theme that comes with increased deer movement - harsh weather.  Extremely cold temperatures tend to get deer on their feet, but can make for brutal hunting conditions. If there is one thing I've learned over the years, it's how to hunt in cold weather. I've hunted many times when the temperatures have reached all the way to negatives, including some days when it's pushed negative thirty degrees with the wind chill (i.e this past weekend). I'll be back out this weekend when the temps will again be brutally cold. Staying warm in this weather is no easy task, but here are a few tricks I've picked up along the way that seem to help. 

Late Season Push

Late Season Push

The late season is officially here. For some, December signifies the end of the season. For others, you know that you've still got time to get it done. Depending on where you live, most states in the Midwest wrap up their bow seasons at the end of December, or during January. With that in mind, know that if you play your cards right, and can stand the sometimes miserable weather that strikes during this time of year, the late season can produce some of the best hunting of the year.