Growing up an avid bowhunter in Southeastern Iowa, I came to the University of North Dakota for college and figured I was leaving my passion of chasing whitetails behind for a few years. My first few years of school were extremely busy and resulted in only a few days of bowhunting back home in Iowa. Fortunately, I was still able to have amazing encounters with large whitetails over these few hunting days, but this only reminded me of how bad I wanted to spend more time in a tree. Every year I told myself, “next year I’ll actually have time to bowhunt, and I’ll even try and hunt in North Dakota,” and every year was the same. There was no time for me to scout with my brutal schedule, and I surely didn’t have time to hunt hard. This past summer, I figured I would find a day or two to go out no matter what. September crept up quite quickly, and a few days after the season opened, I finally found time where I could get out and hunt for a day.